All Run Commands list in windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

The complete list of windows 7 run commands :

In this tutorial , I will tell all of you about the windows run
shortcut commands.

Windows run command is just the shortcut of the particular program . In other words we can say that the Windows run command is the actual name of the program that start the application .

Lets learn about the Windows Run Commands .

1) Winver -This command is used to show about the windows version .

2) Cmd -  This command is used to open the Command prompt .

3) mspaint - This command is used for open the mspaint application.

4) Taskmgr.exe - This command is used for open the Task manager .

5)  Diskmgmt.msc -This command  is used for open the Disk management .

6) Devmgmt.msc - This command is used for the open the driver management.

7) Dxdiag - this command is used for open the direct x diagnostics tool .

8) Cleanmgr  : - This command is basically used for open the diskcleanup tool .

9) Dfrgui :- This command is used for open the Disk defragment tool .

10) mstsc :- This command is used for open the Remote desktop application .

11) msra :- This command is used for open the Remote Assistance program  .

12) lusrmgr.msc :- This command is used for open the Local users and groups .

13) psr :- This command will open the probem step recorder .

14) osk :- This command will open the on screen keyboard .

15) services.msc :- THis command open the services of windows operating system .

16) secpol.msc :- This command will open the Local security policy .

17) gpedit.msc :- This command is used open the group policy editor .

18) control :- This command is used for open the control panel .

19) explorer :- this command is used for open the Windows explorer .

20) calc :- This command is used for open the calculator .

21) netplwiz :- This command is used for Open the advanced user dialog box .

22) sdclt :- To open the Backup and Restore dialog Box.

23) azman :- This comand is used for open the Authorization manager .

24) colorcpl :-This command is used for the Color management .

25)  dpiscaling :- This command is used for open the display .

26) sigverif :- This tool is used for open the File signature verification tool .

27) sethc :- This command is used for opent the sticky keys .

28) utilman :- This command is used for open the Ease of access center .

29 )  locationnotifications :- This command is used for open the location activity .

30 ) magnify :- This command is used for the magnifier Tool .

31 ) mrt :- This command is used for open the Malicious Software removal Tool .

32 ) mmc :- This tool is used for open the microsoft management tool .

33) systempropertiesperformance :- This command is used for the performance option in the system properties .

34 )  Rasphone :- This command is used for open the remote access phone .

35 ) resmon :- This command is used for open the Resource monitor .

34 ) Perfmon :- this command is used for Open the Performance monitor .

35) credwiz :-This command is used for open the  Windows Credential Wizard .

36) msconfig :-This command is used for open the system configuration tool .
37) msinfo32 :- This command is used for open the system information tool .

38)  systempropertiesadvanced :- This command is used for open the system Properties (Advanced tab) .

39) rstrui :- This command is used for open the sytem Restore .

40) taskschd :- This command is used for open the task Schedular .

41 ) sndvol :- This command is used for open the open the volume mixer .

42) migwiz :- This command is used for open the windows easy Transfer Dialog box .

43 ) ncpa.cpl :- This command is used for open the Network connections .

44 )  timedate.cpl :- This command is used for open the date and time dialog box .

45 ) wfs :- This command is used for open the Windows Fax and scan .

46 ) wf.msc :-This command is used for open the Windows Firewall with advanced security .

47) firewall.cpl :- This command is used for openthe Windows firewall .

48) wuapp :- This command  is used for open the Windows update .

49) appwiz.cpl :- This command is used for open the Programand Features .

50 )wmimgmt :-This command is used for open the windows  management tool .

51 ) write :- This command is used for open the WordPad .

52) notepad :- This command is used for open the Notepad program .

53) xpsrchvw :- This command is used for open the XPS viewer .

54) mblctr :- This command is used for open the Windows mobility Center .

55 ) fsquirt :- This command is used for open the Bluetooth File Transfer wizard .

56) certmgr :- This command is used for open the certificate manager .

57) charmap :- This command is used for open the Charmap .

58 ) comexp :- This command is used for open the Component services .

59) useraccountcontrolsettings :- This command is used for open the user account control settings .

60) wscui.cpl  :- This command is used for open the Action center program in windows operating system.

61) compmgmt.msc :- This command is used for open the computer management .

62) eventvwr.msc :- This commandis used for open the Event viewer program .

63) inetcpl.cpl :- This command is used for open the Internet Options .

64) iexplore :- This command is used for open the Internet Explorer .

65 )  displayswitch :- This command is used for open the Connect to Projector .

66) netproj :- This command is used for open the Connect to network projector .

67 ) msdt :- This tool is used for open the Diagnostics troubleshooting wizard .

68) verifier :- This tool is used for open the Driver verification tool .

69 ) iscsicpl :- This command is basically used to open the scsi initiator tool .

70) lpksetup :- This command is used to open the language pack installer .

71 ) mip :- This tool is used for open the Math input tool .

72) narrator :- This command is used for open the narrator .

73) perform /res :- this command is also used for open the resource monitor .

74) shrpubw :- This command is used for open the Windows sharing creation wizard .

75) soundrecorder :- This command is used for open the sound recorder .

76 ) mobsync :- This command is used for open the Sync center .

77 ) wscript :- This command is used for open the Windows script host .

78) powershell :- This command is used for open the windows powershell program .

79)  chrome :- This command is used for open the Google chrome application .

80) winword :- This command is used for open the Ms word application .

81) excel :- This command is used for open the ms excel application .

82) Powerpnt :-This comand is used for open the Ms powerPoint .

83) certreq :-This command is used for open the Certification requester .

84 ) cliconfg :- This command is used for open the SQL server network  utility.

85) cmstp :- This command is used for the connection manager profile installer .

86 ) colorcpl :- This command is used for open the color mangement .

87 ) cttune :- This command is used for open the Clear Type Text Tuner .

88) dccw :-  This command is used for open the display color calibration .

89) dialer :- This command is used for open the phone Dialer .

90) dvdplay:- This command is used for open the Windows Media Player .

91) hdwwiz.cpl:- This command is used for open the add hardware Wizard .

92) idtmini1 :- This command is used for open the IDT mini sound .

93) igfxcfg :- This command is used for open  the Intex media driver Accelerator .

94 ) odbcad32 :- This command is used for open the ODBC data source Administrator .

95)  tpm :- This command is used for open the Trusted plateform module .

96) xwizard :- This command is used for open the Extensible wizard host properties .

97) excel :- This command is used for open the Microsoft application.

98) outlook :- This Command is used for open the Microsoft outlook application .

99 ) bthprops.cpl :- this command is used for open the blutooth evices .

100)  shrpubw :- This command is used for open the create a shared folder Wizard .

So, I hope you will like this post If you want to ask any question type in the comment box . 

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