
Showing posts from 2017

Interview Question and answer For CCNA

Top Interview Question and answer for the CCNA In this blog I will You about the Top interview Question that is asked for CCNA interview . Q:1 What is router ? At which layer this device does work ? Ans : Router is a networking device that is used to connect two or more different network . Router pass the incoming packets from on Lan to another Lan according to the ip addresses stored in the incoming packets . Router  works at Network layer of the OSI model . Q:2  What is routing  ? Ans :   Routing is the process that is used for select the best path (shortest path) between the source and Destination for forward the data .  Routing is performed by the dedicated device that is known as the Router .    Q:3   Which cable is used to take the console of router ?                                               ...

How to show hidden drive that is hide by using command prompt (command prompt से hide हुई drive को कैसे Show करे |)

How to show hidden drive that hide by using the command Prompt . (command prompt से hide हुई drive को कैसे Show करे |) Hi , everyone Today I will show you how to show hidden drive of the Computer that is hide by using the Command prompt . In the previous post i have shown you how to hide a drive by using the command prompt .  So let's start How to show hidden drive from command Prompt . So in last post as you have seen in the last picture I have shown you the drive had hidden . I will again show you that picture of my computer that I hide . so here you can see the drive ( Local disk E:) is not here beacause it is hide . So start the process to show the hidden drive by using the Command prompt . To show the hidden drive you need to use the following steps : STEP 1 :  Press window + R key from the keyboard , Run dialog box appears on the screen . Here Type the command cmd to open the command Prompt . ...

All Run Commands list in windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

The complete list of windows 7 run commands : In this tutorial , I will tell all of you about the windows run shortcut commands. Windows run command is just the shortcut of the particular program . In other words we can say that the Windows run command is the actual name of the program that start the application . Lets learn about the Windows Run Commands . 1) Winver -This command is used to show about the windows version . 2) Cmd -  This command is used to open the Command prompt . 3) mspaint - This command is used for open the mspaint application. 4) Taskmgr.exe - This command is used for open the Task manager . 5)   Diskmgmt.msc -This command  is used for open the Disk management . 6) Devmgmt.msc - This command is used for the open the driver management. 7) Dxdiag - this command is used for open the direct x diagnostics tool . 8) Cleanmgr  : - This command is basically used for open the diskcleanup tool . 9) D...

(Computer drive को command Prompt से कैसे hide करते है |) How to hide a drive in your computer by using command Prompt

HOW TO HIDE THE COMPUTER DRIVE BY USING THE COMMAND PROMPT इस पोस्ट में मैं आप सभी लोगो को एक trick बताऊंगा जिससे आप अपने या अपने किसी Friend के Computer drive को छुपा सकते है | computer  drive  जैसे C : , D : etc  को छुपने के लिए हम ग्रुप हम Command Prompt का Use  करेंगे | To hide a drive using command Prompt , You need to perform following steps : Before starting how to hide the computer drive , I will show you My Computer  drives . in this , I will hide the drive (Local disk E:) . So let's start the process . STEP 1 : Press Window + R key from the keyboard , It will open the Run dialog   Box . Here type the Command cmd to open  the command prompt window.    STEP 2 : In the command prompt window type the command Diskpart . after   this you need to type the command list volume . This command will show you all the all drives of your computer . STEP 3 : Here you need to decide which driv...

WHAT IS AN EMAIL client (English version)

In this blog I will tell you about What is an Email Client . As Everyone know that    Email stands for Electronic mail. it is method of exchanging digital information by using digital devices such as Computer , mobile phone and tablets .  There are two ways to send the Email or digital meassages :  1) By using Web based client  2) By using Email client Now in Your mind one question arises that What is Web based client And What is Email clients . So first I will tell you What is Web based Client . Web based client are those clients that used the Web browser such Google chrome, Internet explorer, mozilla firefox  etc. for exchanging digital information (Email) .    Some few example of Web based email clients are :         Gmail       Yahoo       hotmail     Now you are thinking that if these are web clients then What is an Email Client  .      ...

EMAIL Client क्या है | (What is E-mail Client in hindi )

In this blog we will learn about What is an Email Client ? इस ब्लॉग में हम सीखेंगे के Email-client बारे में . तो है क्या Email Client  Email client एक एप्लीकेशन और सॉफ्टवेर है जो ईमेल को Send और Receive करने का काम करता है  और यह सॉफ्टवेर मेल को संयोजित करने का काम करता है | EMAIL client को हम   E-mail Reader और   Mail User Agent (MUA) के नाम से भी जानते है| POPULAR E-MAIL CLIENTS : कुछ Popular Email Clients  के नाम है जैसे Mozilla thunderbird ,  MS-outlook , Foxmail , The Bat, Pegasus mail, IBM Notes, Apple mail , Windows Mail , Outlook express etc. INFORMATION REQUIRED TO CONFIGURE EMAIL CLIENTS : Email Client को Configure  करने से पहले कुछ सूचनाओ की जरूरत होती है | जैसे की : 1)  ईमेल एड्रेस  2)  यूजरनाम और पासवर्ड  3)   SMTP  और  POP सर्वर का नाम  4)  SMTP    और  POP  सर्वर का  Port Number 5)   SMTP Authentication सेटिंग...